

What type of trade did Ghana Mali and Songhai control?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What type of trade did Ghana Mali and Songhai control?
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What enable Mali Ghana and Songhai to grow rich?

Ghana Mali and Songhai grew rich through trade.

What enabled Ghana mali and songhai to all grow rich?

Ghana Mali and Songhai grew rich through trade.

What enabled Ghana Mali Songhai all to grow rich?

Ghana Mali and Songhai grew rich through trade.

Why was the trade crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali Songhai?

trade was crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and songhai because they needed tax and other goods to take are of their teritory.

Why was the trade crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and Songhai?

trade was crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and songhai because they needed tax and other goods to take are of their teritory.

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When did Ghana mali and songhai trade?

they traded in the 1300 hundreds

Why was control of the tran-saharan trade so important to the empires of Ghana mali and songhai?

Ask your history teacher.

How was trade crucial to the survival of Ghana Mali and Songhai?


Who did Ghana mali and songhai trade with?

old colonists and parts of europe

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mali and songhai