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There are Immigration, child left behind, water rights, economy, the over payment of professional athletes.

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Some types of social conflict in America today include racial tensions, economic inequality, and political polarization. These conflicts can lead to social unrest, protests, and deep divisions within the society.

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Q: What types of social conflict exist in America today?
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What approach dominates the sociological study of social problems today?

The dominant approach in the sociological study of social problems today is the structural functionalist perspective. This approach emphasizes how society as a whole functions, the interrelationships between social institutions, and how social problems may arise from dysfunction or imbalance in these structures.

What are the social classes in america today?

The social classes in America today are typically categorized as lower class, middle class, and upper class. These categories are based on factors such as income, education, occupation, and wealth. There is also a growing recognition of the working class and the socio-economic challenges they face.

How does our social system in America today compare or contrast with the Caste system of India?

The social system in America is based on ideals of equality and individual opportunity, whereas the caste system in India is a hereditary, hierarchical social stratification that historically restricted social mobility based on birth. While both systems aim to organize society, the American system is more open and allows for more social mobility compared to the rigid structure of the Indian caste system.

What was the main issues of latin America social classes?

The main issues of social classes in Latin America include income inequality, limited access to quality education and healthcare for lower socioeconomic groups, and a lack of social mobility. These issues have contributed to significant disparities in opportunities and living standards among different social classes in the region.

Is structural functionalism still applicable in today's society why or why not?

Structural functionalism can still offer insights into social systems, but it has limitations. For complex modern societies, it may oversimplify dynamics and overlook power and conflict. Other sociological theories like conflict theory or symbolic interactionism may offer more nuanced understandings of contemporary issues.

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Are there Russians in America today?

There are certainly Russians in America today. in the 1980s the USA was in a conflict with Russia known as the Cold War.

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How many different kinds of theater exist in America today?

There are many different kinds of theater in America today, including Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, community theater, experimental theater, immersive theater, and more. Each type of theater offers unique opportunities for performers and audiences to engage with a wide range of theatrical experiences.

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in the tropics of America

What classes exist in Central America today?

upper, middle, lower

What forms of slavery still exist in America today?

sex slaves

Does the public work administration exist today?

It exists everywhere in America (north and south)

What major social problems face American teenagers today?

American's face many of social issues with today's teenagers. The main things that America faces are social violence and cultures.

Where is there a greater need for social workers today?

Every little inch of America!

Does the Public Works Administration still exist today?

It exists everywhere in America (north and south)

What approach dominates the sociological study of social problems today?

The dominant approach in the sociological study of social problems today is the structural functionalist perspective. This approach emphasizes how society as a whole functions, the interrelationships between social institutions, and how social problems may arise from dysfunction or imbalance in these structures.

How can you find out what social political and economic problems exist right now in the world today?