

What unique element of DNA produces a prodigy?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Lvl 1
9y ago

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Only limited knowledge about the links between DNA mistakes and certain diseases and conditions is known at this point. The human genome consists of about 3 billion bits of information. The DNA strand is a double helix that consists of nucleotides that are Nitrogen containing nucleobases. There are four nucleobases, guanine (G), adenine (A), thymine (T), and cytosine (C). The nucleotides are joined together in a chain by a covalent bond between the sugar of one nucleotide and the phosphate of the next. Only about 2% of the human DNA strand actually has anything to do with encoding the proteins that give us our characteristics so its very difficult to isolate any one of the 3 billion combinations of G, A, T, and C that can make up a strand of DNA. That's a lot of possible combinations and is why every person is unique even though they are similar. The most likely answer is that it is not just a single element of DNA that could produce a prodigy but many combinations that could produce different types of prodigies. Also, the very definition of prodigy comes into play. I saw a 12 year old boy that could not even tie his own shoes and didn't know his own name but could listen once to a classical piano concerto that he had never heard before and walk over to a piano and play the entire peice perfectly to the end. He was autistic. Could he be considered a prodigy? The conclusion at this point in time is that no one really knows the answer to that question.

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