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No vice-president has ever served more than 2 terms, Those that served 2 full terms are John Adams ( under Washington) , Daniel Tompkins (under Monroe) , Thomas Riley Marshall ( under Wilson) , John Nance Garner ( under FDR), Richard Nixon (Eisenhower), George Bush (Reagan), Albert Gore (Clinton) and Dick Cheney ( George W. Bush).

John Calhoun resigned with about three months left in his second term so that he could accept a Senate seat.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Thomas Jefferson was the only vice president who also completed two terms as President.

Richard Nixon was elected to two terms after he was VP for two terms but did not finish his second term.

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15y ago

Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President from March, 1932 until his death in April, 1945 for a total of 13 yeara and 1 month. By far the most time served by any President. Many Vice Presidents served 8 years, which is the most anyone has served. Roosevelt had 3 Vice President's so none served that long.

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11y ago

Jhon Adams, Martin Van Buren, Thomas Jefferson, and Jhon Tyler all served as Presidents and Vice Presidents.

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13y ago

John Adams, Richard Nixon, and George H. W. Bush accomplished this feat.

Al Gore came close .

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12y ago

Only one person served more than two terms as U. S. President: Franklin Roosevelt. However, Franklin was never U. S. Vice President.

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Franklin Roosevelt

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During Thomas Jefferson's first term, the Vice President was Aaron Burr. Jefferson's second term as President was George Clinton's first term as Vice President (Clinton was one of the two U.S. Vice Presidents who served under two Presidents).

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Certainly! There are many Vice-Presidents that have served as President, both because of the death of a president and because they were elected.

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As of 2009, Joseph Biden is the 47th US Vice President. Some Presidents have had more than one Vice President, , two vice presidents have served under more than one president (George Clinton and John C. Calhoun) and four (Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, and Arthur) had no Vice President during their successions.