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Halloween originated as a pagan festival known as All Hallow's Eve.

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Q: What was Halloween originated as a pagan festival know as?
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What does phobia mean when a intense fear of Halloween?

Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween. It is taken from the pagan festival of the dead called Samain, who are said to walk the earth one night of the year. That night just happens to be 31st October: Halloween or All Hallows Eve.

Who were first people to celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is a corruption of Hallowed Eve, which occurs the evening before the Christian holiday, All Saint's Day. However, some of the traditions of Halloween pre-date Christianity and were added to Halloween.

What was Halloween like in the early ages?

Halloween, as we know it, came into existence after the Middle Ages, but it is at least partly based on a pagan Celtic festival called Samhain, for which people work costumes and masks. This was to keep themselves free of the influence of evil spirits, according to historians, but my guess it was just to have a good time.

Are most of the modern holidays like Halloween Christmas Valentine's and Easter originated from the Pagan?

In most cases, yes. For example, we do not know for a historical fact what day and year Jesus was born. But December 25th was already a major holiday in ancient Rome, the day when Romans celebrated the Saturnalia-- the birthday of the Sun god. The Christians appropriated this holiday, and turned it into the birthday of the Son of God. Easter was also a pagan holiday, popular in many cultures as a springtime festival of fertility and renewal (stories that it honored the Babylonian goddess Ishtar seem to be inaccurate; the holiday was known in ancient religious traditions by various names, including Ostra, or Eostre or even Eastre, depending on where in Europe or Scandinavia you lived). St. Valentine's Day, today a holiday for lovers and romantics of any religion, was supposed to honor a Christian martyr, but again, its origin seems to have been a pagan fertility festival called Lupercalia. And although Halloween has some Christian origins (All Saints Day, also called All Hallows), many scholars believe it too has pagan roots-- it originated with Celtic mythology, and the holiday of Samhain (the festival of the dead).

Can anyone explain to me what the pagan unity ritual fesival is?

After reading this question and asking several pagans via e-mail and searching the web I can honestly say no practicing Pagan that I know or can find has ever heard of this festival. My suggestion would be to verify that whoever you heard of this from is indeed a Pagan or is it just a locally named festival involving local Pagans.

What is Samhainophobia?

Samhainophobia is the fear of Halloween. It is a specific phobia that can cause anxiety and distress in individuals, particularly when the holiday approaches. Treatment for this phobia may involve therapy or exposure techniques to help manage the fear.

How can Christians be Christians and embrace pagan festivals?

A:Most Christians do not know that Christmas Day was chosen as a Christian festival because it is the birthday of the sun god. They do not know that even the name 'Easter' and much of the Easter festivities are of pagan origin. They do not know that many of the saints, such as St Brigid of Ireland, are Christianised pagan gods. Not knowing these things, they can be Christians and enjoy their festivities in blissful ignorance.

What is the first country who celebrate Halloween?

Ireland. Originally, Halloween was known as "All Hallows Eve" and the festival was first celebrated in fifth century B.C. by ancient Celts in Ireland. It's first night was on October 31st and has been a tradition ever since.

Do christians think Halloween is a holiday?

For the most part, yes. Halloween (also known as Hallows Eve) glorifies Satan Demons and Witchcraft.

What is the real story behind Halloween?

Halloween actually started out as Samhain, a ceremony celebrated among Celts and their ancestors. It also marked the end of the winter solstice as well as a prosperous harvest. According to the tradition, this was the one night a year when spirits were free to walk the earth. Origin suggests that the Celtic families would hide in their homes in fear of these spirits or coming into contact with them.

Who wears red in Halloween?

i don't know who wears red in Halloween but i know a lot of people wear red ON Halloween.

What is on at TV Halloween?

It wouldn't be Halloween if they weren't showing one of the Halloween films 1, 2, 3 and even 4 are the ones I know of but someone mentioned there could be up to 10 in all, don't know whether by same director and whether I could sit through almost 25 hours of Michael Myers or son of Michael Myers. It certainly would make a Halloween festival. After all that watching of all these sequels, your may actually want to decapitate yourself and use your head as the Halloween Jack-O-Lantern.