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North Carolina played a large role in the Civil War. Many battles were fought there and they used Wilmington as a main port for all their trade. On Wikipedia there are more details. Also NC supplied over 35,000 soldiers for the war which was almost 1/4 of all soldiers.

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14y ago

* In the Revolutionary War they were a major contributor to both the Revolutionary forces and to the Loyalists. * In the US Civil War they were also divided providing able and competent forces to both the Union and the Confederacy. * In WWI they were solidly in favor or the US position and provided the troops needed to pursue that war. * In WWII they were solidly in favor of FDR's policies against the Axis. * In the Korean War opinion once again began to divide however the majority supported the Domino Theory and backed National policy. * The Cold War generally aided North Carolina's economy. * 'The Vietnam War divided the Nation and not just North Carolina which has a very heavy military presence but also those states that have only a small share in the military dole. Protest against warfare became popular and divided the Nation. * The Reagan Years developed a new sense of patriotism and support for the US Armed Forces at a terrible cost to social programs. * Historians have had inadequate time to study the Nation's sentiment and role and certainly not enough time to give a state by state analysis for the Iraqi and Afghanistan conflicts. * To call the Tar-Heels Warmongers would do them a great dis-service. * To call them Warriors would always be approriate. To answer the question properly a time frame or specific war would be required. North Carolina was certainly a leader among the US Colonies in favor of breaking their alliance with England and it could be called a reluctant participant in the US Civil War.

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The role of North Carolina in the US Civil War requires a more detailed answer to provide its importance in the war. In 1862, the new governor of North Carolina, Zebulon Vance, was inaugurated. It is important to note that initially, Vance was not in favor of secession. Upon President Lincoln's 1860 election victory, Vance preferred to take a "wait and see" attitude regarding the new US president. He was opposed to the early secession of South Carolina, and the other deep south states that jumped on the Confederate bandwagon.Nevertheless, Lincoln's call for 75,000 volunteers to end the rebellion forced Vance's hand. He could not look on as his fellow Southerners were brought into an armed conflict with the new President Lincoln regime. Readers may note that the issue was more complex than that.

With Vance as the Civil War governor he tried to strike a balance between "states rights" and the power of the Confederate government in Richmond. This caused internal controversy between President Jefferson Davis and Vance.

It is also important to note that North Carolina, except for its coastal areas, was relatively safe and undisturbed throughout the war. It became, however, more susceptible to the South's central government than other states. With that said, two other states and North Carolina paid two thirds of the Confederate levy under the so-called tax in kind measure.

And, very importantly, Georgia and North Carolina together provided over 40% of the draftees and volunteers from east of the Mississippi River after the first passage of the Confederate draft laws in April of 1862.

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