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Barack Obama secured approximately $2,400,000 from his two books: The Audacity of Hope and Dreams from My Father.

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Q: What was Obama income on his books?
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Does Obama read books?

Yes, I'm sure Obama read's books.

What percent of income does Obama pay in income taxes?


Which president collects comic books?

President Barack Obama has mentioned that he collected Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comic books.

How much taxes did Obama pay in 2011?

According to the White House official web site, "President Obama and the First Lady filed their income tax returns jointly and reported adjusted gross income of $789,674. About half of the first family's income is the President's salary; the other half is from sales proceeds of the President's books. The Obamas paid $162,074 in total tax. The President and First Lady also reported donating $172,130 - or about 22% of their adjusted gross income - to 39 different charities." President Obama was taxed at a 20% rate, which is higher than the 14% Mitt Romney paid on his $20.9 million income.

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Is there free Obama stimulus money for low income home improvements?

Not on the federal income tax return.

How much income does Obama get?

Income. Presidents get a salary of $250,000 a year, plus an entertainment allowance and of course, they get free room and board. Obama probably has investments which bring in additional money.

What books do Obama read to his daughters?

Charlottes web.

What comic books does Barack Obama collect?


What was the titles of the books Obama made?

you well come

What is the income for top 2 of American?

The gross income of President Obama $481,098. On the other hand the income of Joe Biden based on the returns filed were $407,009.

Did Obama write in one of his books that he wants to destroy America?

He did not.