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I understand from your question that you want to know what Paris revealed about his character when he chose the gift of Aphrodite. I believe that you're referring to the myth known as the Judgment of Paris. Like a lot of Greek mythology, this story has been told by many authors, both in ancient Greece and in more modern times. The specific details of the story might vary slightly based on the author.

The Judgment of Paris is also mentioned in Homer's Iliad. Since this is a public domain work (meaning that no one holds the copyright to it anymore), you can find the complete text online for free.

"What time young Paris, simple shepherd boy,

Won by destructive lust (reward obscene),

Their charms rejected for the Cyprian queen [Aphrodite]."

Now that you have a summary of the story and how it's been described in primary sources, you still need to know what Paris' choice indicates about his character. The Iliad mentions that Paris' choice was motivated by lust, but it sounds like you want to find where an author has analyzed the themes and meanings of this myth. This is often called "literary criticism," and books and academic articles are good places to look. For your question, I would check out a Greek mythology textbook. Searching for "Greek mythology textbook" on a website like gives you a lot of choices. \Many libraries now have their catalogs available for searching online, so you can see if something matching "Greek mythology textbook" or a similar search is available beforehand.

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Q: What was Paris preference show of his character when he chose the gift of Aphrodite?
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