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Carbolic acid is "phenol" based and was used as a disinfectant in hospitals.

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Q: What was Victorian carbolic acid spray used for?
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What did weismann invent?

weismann was a surgeon who invented a pump spray of carbolic acid to be used in operating rooms in 1869.

What is carbolic acid for?

Carbolic acid is "phenol" based and was used as a disinfectant in hospitals.

Can carbolic acid be used on plants?

if its acid then yes [i think] but be careful

Carbolic acid is used in surgery for what reason?

cleansing - but that's old

Do most microorganisums cause deseies?

Yes. If surgeon's or doctor's do not use carbolic acid before they perform surgery most microorganisms cause disease if carbolic acid is not used to sterilize the proper surgery tools

What was carbolic acid used for?

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How did lord lister kill germs?

Lord Lister used carbolic acid as a disinfectant during surgeries.

What acid is used as an antiseptic?

You mean carbolic acid. This is more properly referred to as phenol, and although it was the original antiseptic used by Joseph Lister, it is seldom used now as we have safer alternatives.

What are the ingredients in Joseph Lister's occlusive dressing?

Joseph Lister used Carbolic Acid (Phenol) as an antiseptic during surgery.

What did Joseph Lister use sterile surgery for?

Type your answer here...He had researched gangrene and infection, Lister had seen carbolic spray used to treat sewage, after experiments he found that a thin mist of carbolic acid sprayed over the wound during surgery limited infection. By following this with careful bandaging the wound would heal without any gangrene or infection.

What was Joseph Lister's discovery?

Joseph Lister is credited with the discovery of carbolic acid which is used to sterilize surgical instruments. He is considered a pioneer in the area of antiseptic surgery.

Role of phenol in DNA isolation?

Purification of the DNA sample. Phenol is carbolic acid and is used to dissolve proteins and other cellular debris associated with the DNA being prepared for analysis.