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Popular Sovereignty

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Q: What was another name for letting voters decide for themselves whether their state should be a slave or a free state?
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How did Stephen Douglas want to settle the crisis of slavery?

Stephen Douglas proposed the idea of popular sovereignty, allowing territories to vote on whether to allow slavery. He believed this would settle the issue by letting the people in each territory decide for themselves.

What is The idea of allowing states to decide for themselves whether to be free or slave called?

Popular Sovereignty

Which decision voided the Missouri Compromise and let territories decide on the issue of slavery themselves instead of letting Congress do so?

compromise of 1850

What stated that the people in the territories could decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery?

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Which of the following stated that the people in the territories could decide for themselves whether they wanted slavery?

Popular Sovereignty

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If the parents are of faith and go to church, then they should bring their young children with them to give them a base of learning on religion from which to decide. But if, after the children reach the age where they can decide for themselves, they decide they don't want to go, then the parents need to respect their child's feelings about it and not force them to go if they don't want to. Also, if, when the young children become older, they decide they prefer to try another faith, then they should be allowed that choice, too.

What Stephen adouglas proposed letting the people decide about slavery through?

Douglas proposed that the people within each new territory should decide the slavery question for themselves without regard to the rest of the country, known as Popular Sovereignty.

What term means to allow a territory to decide for themselves whether to be a free state or a slave state?

look some where else.

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