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this was a form of irony because the plantations were well taken care of unlike the slaves

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Q: What was prejudice that existed among slaves from different plantations?
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How were slaves controlled on plantations?

Slaves on plantations were controlled through physical abuse, threats of punishment, and the enforcement of strict rules by overseers or plantation owners. Slaves were also subjected to forced labor, restricted movement, and denied basic rights to maintain control and prevent rebellion. Additionally, the legal system and cultural norms of the time supported the institution of slavery, further reinforcing control over slaves.

Why did a wealthy elite developed in the Carolinas?

Wealthy elites formed because of large plantations and slaves that existed in the colony.

How was life different for slaves that worked in the home than slaves that worked in the fields?

Slaves who worked in the home generally had better living conditions, access to better food, and sometimes received special treatment from their owners compared to those who worked in the fields. However, they were still subject to the same brutal treatment and lack of freedom experienced by all slaves.

Why did wealthy elite develop in the Carolina's?

Wealthy elites formed because of large plantations and slaves that existed in the colony.

Showing black slaves as having been happy to work on plantations is considered objectification because it makes it seem as if slaves?

existed only to serve their masters

What ways were people on southern plantations separated into different groups?


In what ways were people on southern plantations separated into different groups?

People on southern plantations were separated into different groups based on their labor roles and social status. Enslaved individuals were segregated by age, gender, and skill set, with some working in the fields and others in the house. Free workers, overseers, and plantation owners made up other social groups on the plantation.

What do slaves do on their birthday?

Most of the slaves didnt know how old they were or their birthday. All of them worked every day,on some plantations they had Sundays off, and they didnt know their birthday existed.

What towns were open to black people after slavery?

Officially, all of them, but prejudice still existed as it does today which made it difficult for the ex-slaves

What did most rich southern planter do with their wealth?

C.They put it back into their plantations and bought slaves.

What is true about Barbados settlers in Carolina?

They brought their slaves and ideas for plantations.

Why did many freedmen not feel much different than when they were slaves?

They faced prejudice and segregation.