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Appeasement was the policy of European democracies that aimed to avoid war with the dictatorships of Germany and Italy. Churchill was unusual in believing that Germany menaced freedom and democracy and should be resisted over Czechoslovakia.

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Q: What was the appeasement and why did churchill oppose it so strongly?
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How did Winston churchill characterize chamberlains policy of appeasement?

Winston Churchill opposed Neville Chamberlains policy of appeasement because he saw and knew what Hitler was doing and new that he was getting stronger, he stood up and said this but was the only one who did so.

Winston churchill opposed Neville chamberlain's policy of appeasement which he deemed?

Winston Churchill opposed Neville Chamberlain's policy of appeasement because he saw and new what Hitler was doing and new that he was getting stronger, he stood up and said this but was the only one who did so...He didint say appeasement was a bad idea he just thought after Hitler had broken his promises a couple of times he thought that they should have stopped and used aggression and stopped Hitler while they could.

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cause that supported the HITLER, because all Germant wanted is to oppose the treaty of versailles and be like nothing happened so they wouldnt lost anything my making up the war(s).

What were two reasons used to explain why appeasement was logical at that time?

cause that supported the HITLER, because all Germant wanted is to oppose the treaty of versailles and be like nothing happened so they wouldnt lost anything my making up the war(s).

What is a policy of giving in so that others will be happy?

The single word answer is "appeasement"

Who is Winston Churchill before a politician?

He was born Winston Churchill. He remained so until his death.

Why is the Churchill downs named after Winston Churchill?

I am the son of Martin Long, the founder of Churchill insurance. I asked him this question and he responded with the answer that he enjoyed reading about the life of Sir Winston Churchill ever since he was about 10 and decided to devote the name of his company to him. <><><> "The current Churchill mascot was the product of a staff competition designed to identify ways to differentiate the Churchill brand from Winston Churchill." -Wikipedia I'm pretty sure it was not.

How do you use strongly in a sentence?

Strongly is an adverb, so it describes a verb. For example, I strongly suggest that you do your homework before you play.

Why did policy of appeasement make sense to chamberlain?

chamberlain did no war so he made an act for appeasement also since the great depression was still in act no one in europe or outside europe was prepared for another war

Did Churchill die of A stroke?

yes he did but he smoked so that is why :)

What were the last words of Winston Churchill?

'I am so bored with this!'