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For Hitler's German Nazi army, by design it was their first overwhelming military success, to send morale among their soldiers soaring high - they were looking for a fight - however, it was obvious to everyone which army would win. Poland stood to defend democracy on principle to show the world they were not afraid and would not give up their indepedance without a fight. Hitler knew this would give his army a morale boost by having such an easy massive victory, even if it took several weeks longer than planned due to intense and unexpected Polish resistance fighting. Plus this victory would serve as an example to monger fear to the next countries who stood up in opposition to being taken over. Remember, several countries battered from WWI had even less of an army than Poland did, and couldn't even put up a fight. Austria, Hungary, and other countries simply handed themselves over to Hitler when he threatened them.

For the Polish National Army, it was Hell on Earth. So many were obliterated, tortured, murdered, but, they did so in fighting the good fight for democracy. There are written accounts of soldiers fighting to the bitter end, to the last man or two. Poland never surrendered to the Nazis, and its 1779 constitution and government were restored in 1991.

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