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Q: What was the breed of dog that told David Berkowitz to kill people?
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What nicknames does David Berkowitz go by?

Berkowitz was at first called The 44-caliber Killer. But he started calling himself The Son of Sam, probaby taken from his neighbor who was named Sam. It was Sam's dog Harvey that gave Berkowitz the idea of Son of Sam. Berkowitz also claimed that Harvey spoke to him and told him to kill people. (Harvey was just a mouth for Satan) Later Berkowitz recanted his story about the dog talking to him.

What year did Son of Sam kill people?

The murders committed by David Berkowitz, aka the Son of Sam killer, took place from July 1976 to August 1977.

Did David Berkowitz have a brain dysfunction?

He did not. Nor did he actually hear his neighbor's dog telling him to kill. The whole point was to make himself look crazy. It worked for a while.

What was the name of the dog that told David Berkowitz to kill people?

The infamous dog belonged to Berkowitz neighbor Sam Carr. Poor 'Harvey' the dog was brought into something he had no part in. In the summer of 1977, David Berkowitz, aka Son of Sam, aka the 44 Caliber Killer, kept New York City in a constant state of terror. Stalking the streets of NYC, he proceeded to kill and injure until finally caught after running from an almost crime scene. In the months before his trial Berkowitz told prison phsychiatrists that the neighbors dog told him to commit the killings. Although he later confessed that in fact the dog did not speak to him it made for good copy for the daily newpapers. Berkowitz is doing life without parole in a New York prison and has since found God and become a Christian, a fact that probably did not thrill his Jewish parents. And once again I am amazed at the number of inmates that find God in prison. Like I've said before, God must hang out there alot

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Why did David Berkowitz kill?

From July 1976 until August 1977, New York City lived in terror. Known as the Summer of Sam, David Berkowitz killed 13 young men and women and wounded another 6. When finally caught Berkorwitz claimed his neighbor's dog told him to commit the murders. Later, after becoming a Christian, Berkowitz recanted this statement. But talking dogs or not, Berkowitz will most likely never see the outside again.

Do Doberman kill people?

Yes it depends on how they are raised

Why is it that Son of Sam wanted to kill seven people?

he had a schyzophrenic disorder and claimed his neighbor's dog was possessed by the devil and told him to do the killings. David Berkowitz was diagnosed as having APD with possible narcassistic personality traits. In a recent interview Berkowitz admitted that he had made up the dog story. If you look at any of the news film clips of Berkowitz after his arrest and he looks like a man that is very pleased with himself. That fits right in with his personality disorder. He claims now to have found God in prison and I hope he's right. I'm always amazed at how many criminals find God in prison. He must hang out there alot.

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How did dogs develop new breeds?

People. People selected the dogs to breed and keep and which ones to kill.

Which is the dog breed that can kill a tiger?

No such breed of dog exists. There local dogs in India that are used to hunt and track tigers, but not kill them.

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David killed the giant Goliath.