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The large British debt incurred defending the colonies in the French And Indian War

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Q: What was the cause that led grenville to propose the sugar act quarting act and stamp act?
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Who is the british treasurer who started the stamp act?

george grenville

Why did grenville propose the sugar act the quartering act and the stamp act?

to support there army with the money from the taxes

What did George Grenville do with the American Reveloution?

George Grenville instituted the Currency, Stamp, and Sugar Acts which all outraged the colonists which in return led to the American Revolution.

Chancellor of the exchequer who encouraged parliament to pass the sugar and stamp acts?

George Grenville

Who was the chancellor of the exchequer who encouraged parliament to pass the sugar and stamp acts?

George Grenville

British minister who raised a storm of protest by passing the stamp act?

George Grenville

What was George Grenville's first action against the colonies?

As Prime Minister of England, George Grenville was responsible for the Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed the American colonies. The colonists opposed the tax because their representatives had not been consulted about the Stamp Act.

How did the colonies respond to Grenville's laws specifically the stamp act?

some colonial refused defiantly to comply

What acts did King George III put on the Colonists?

King George the III passed the Quarting Act, the Stamp Act, and the Sugar Act.Read more: What_acts_did_King_George_III_pass

Englishman who became chancellor of the exchequer and was responsible for the stamp act?

The Englishman who became Chancellor of the Exchequer and was responsible for the Stamp Act was George Grenville. He was also the leader of the House of Commons.

What year did the stamp Act get passed by the king?

Prime Minister Grenville proposed the Stamp Act of 1765. The act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought ant papers items. This was one of the colonists' reasons to start the revolution.

What was three actions taken by Grenville that angered colonists?

I think that would be the Rules of Conduct, Stamp Act and Declatory Act, not positive though