

What was the family like for Persephone?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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First of all, Persephone was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. Demeter loved her daughter so much she often hid her daughter away from world, to protect her, even from her own father. Merely because Zeus was known to have affairs, even with his own children and siblings.

When Persephone was alone with nymphs, picking flowers in a medow Hades kidnapped her down to the underworld. And after Persephone ate six pomegrante seeds. When one eats the food of the dead, they too must remain in the Underworld. Demeter was so filled with greif that she stopped the growth of food on earth. People were dying of stravation, so Zeus intefered. He struck a deal with Hades. Since she ate six seeds, Persephone would be returned to her mother. But after six months she would go down to the underworld for six months as well. After se would go back to her mother, and so on. This is how the seasons wre created.

Now. Hades kidnapped and trapped Persephone in the underworld but is it said she did love him. And they were happily married. Hades had no affairs and treated her well. Demeter was happy to have her daughter back and Zeus was happy the incident was solved. Hades and Persephone are said to have had no children.

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