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Under operation "Canned Goods" the Nazis dressed Jewish prisoners up as Polish Soldiers and shot them, positioning them around a remote and obscure radio station. This then provided the pretext for the invasion of Poland. The mutual assistance pack between Poland, France, and England was invoked after 48 hours upon the Nazis invasion of Poland on September 1st 1939.

The German Invasion of Poland propelled the events that created World War II.

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9y ago

Poland Before Hitler invaded Poland he sent troops into the Sudetenland which was part of Czechoslovakia. However, that was in 1938, well before the start of World War 2.
Austria (debatable) or Czechoslovakia in 1938/1939.

The invasion of Poland in 1939 is what caused the war, however.

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12y ago

Many years ago, when historians were trying to figure out the historically correct starting date for WWII, the Europeans pushed for, and the US didn't argue the point (because the US wasn't in the market for historical academics, like Great Britain has always been); the agreed upon starting point & time was September 1939, when Poland was invaded by Germany, thusly England & France entered the war against Germany. This is the official starting date for World War II.

However, the United States of America is part of the World. And we weren't involved with this war in 1939.

On 07 December, 1941; The war in Europe, as well as the war in Asia, were no longer just wars in those parts of the world. Now, the US was involved. And the "World" truly was, at war. On 07 December 1941, World War Two had PHYSICALLY became global.

Today's current generation of historians might want to "Accurately Update" that "Old European Standard of Always Being the Originator of Something" way of thinking.

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6y ago

September 1, 1939. Germany Invaded the first half of Poland at September 1939, the other half was invaded by the Soviet Union. But in June 1941 it Invaded the second half when it Invaded the soviet union. Poland was freed at from the Nazi occupation at January 1945.


Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 which started World War II.

September 1st 1939. Britain and France then declared war on Germany on September 3rd 1939.
Germany invaded Poland in September of 1939.
Poland .
Before the start of the war in 1939, German troops had already moved into:

* the Rhineland (although a part of Germany, Germany had previously agreed not to have any military presence in the Rhineland as a buffer to France)

* Austria (the annexation or anschluss of Austria to Germany)

* Czechoslovakia (the annexation of the Sudetenland, and troops remained in Czechoslovakia)
Germany's invasion of Poland started WWII on Sept. 1, 1939.

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15y ago

Poland. Russia did not do anything about this because they had signed a "no-war" pact with Nazi Germany. Hitler easily overran Poland and gained control of the country in a matter of weeks. Russia, far from not doing anything about it, invaded Poland from the east & occupied part of it. Britain & France had said that Czechoslovakia was to be Hitlers final territorial aquisition in Europe.....

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11y ago

The most direct answer to this question is that Germany's invasion of Poland in September of 1939 started WW2. The information from the first responder below provides a bit of backround to the WW2 question. The writer before meaccurately notes that England & France were too late in helping Poland. This is true as Germany was soon invading France. Another factor in why no help was available to Poland was the fact that under the German-Soviet Non Aggression Pact, The Soviets occupied the eastern half of Poland.

The invasion of Czechoslovakia ended the appeasement between Germany and the Allies. This invasion did not count as the start of the World War II, it just the turning point to WWII. The actual invasion that directly led to WWII was the Invasion of Poland. Before the invasion, England and France pledged a support to Poland; England and France promised to help Poland if the German attacked on Poland. When Hitler invaded Poland, England and France declared war on Germany, but they came too late to help Poland.

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9y ago

The invasion of Poland, started World War 2 in Europe in 1939

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13y ago

World war two is generally acceted to have started on September 1 1939 with the German Invasion of Poland. With that came the decleration of war on Germany by France.

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7y ago

This country was Poland.

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