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Q: What was the first plan of government created by the second Continental Congress?
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What created the second continental congress?

The second continental congress created the National Government.

When was Second Continental Congress created?

Second Continental Congress was created in 1775.

Why was the second continental congress created?

So they could be a central government of the 13 colonies

What did the Second Continental Congress create in order to defend the colonies?

The Second Continental Congress created the Continental Army.

Why was the second continental congress more like a government than. The first continental congress?

..............not sure

Why was the Second Continental Congress accepted as the central government?

The Second Continental Congress was accepted as the central government because the necessities of war gave its decisions popular support.

What part of the government was the declaration of independence signed?

second continental congress

What was the congress during the American Revolution?

Second Continental Congress

What armed force was created by the second continental congress?

The Continental Army after the second continental congress realized they needed a force to protect America if they went into war

Where was the Declaration of Independence created?

The Second Continental Congress

What During the Revolutionary War what was the central government created by the colonists called?

The Second Continental Congress was it's name.

What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.