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Q: What was the first space shuttle to reach Earth's Orbit?
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What was the name of the first shuttle launched?

The name of the first space shuttle that was run through free flight simulation was Enterprise, but the first space shuttle to actually reach orbit was Columbia in 1981.

Can the space shuttle travel to the moon?

No. The space shuttle can only reach low Earth orbit.

How long does it take the space shuttle to reach the moons orbit?

The space shuttle was designed for low earth orbit (between 200-300 nautical miles) and could not reach the moon.

How long does it take the shuttle to reach orbit?

It takes around eight minutes for a space shuttle to reach orbit after taking off. Its average speed upon take of is 17,500 mph.

How fast does a space shuttle travel while in orbit?

The Shuttle must reach speeds of about 17,500 miles per hour to stay in orbit.

What speed does the space shuttle have to reach to escape earths gravity?

17,500 miles per hour puts the shuttle in orbit. BUT the gravity is still there. I'm fact there is about 90% of the gravity while the shuttle is on the ground. That great rate of speed is required to keep the shuttle from falling back to earth. At that speed the shuttle is basically falling around the planet.

Why can't a space shuttle go outside out the earth's orbit?

The space shuttle is designed for orbital flight only. The shuttle only has enough fuel to reach an orbit of approximately 600 km high.

How long would it take for a space shuttle to reach space?

It could not, the shuttle cannot leave low earth orbit

How long does it take a rocket to leave earth?

the shuttle takes about 8 minutes to reach orbit

How much time does it take for the space shuttle to reach orbit from launching?

depends where you launch from and where you go

Can the space shuttle reach the moon?

No, the space shuttle was designed for low earth orbit and generally orbits within 200-300 nautical miles of Earth.

Why does the space shuttle turn a few seconds after take off?

There are a number of reasons why the shuttle rolled to a "heads down" position with the crew cockpit facing down. This is the position the orbiter is in while in orbit. Many of the antennae the orbiter uses to communicate with the ground are located on the top of the orbiter. This "heads down" position maximizing performance of these communications. This also allows the the shuttle to reach the orbit required for its low earth orbit missions. After clearing the launch tower, the shuttle stack performs a roll and pitch set its orbital inclination to achieve low orbit. T We think of the shuttle launching upwards to reach orbit but acceleration is much more horizontal than vertical. This is required to reach the over 17,000 mph required to achieve low earth orbit.