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the First Described Web Browser was the Mosaic : It was derived from a collection of independent works by people that was organized into one actual product.

Dr. Douglas C. Engelbart , Tim Berners-Lee , are credited with the Foundations for what later became the Mosaic and later called the NCSA Mosaic :

The NCSA Mosaic 1992.

Marc Andreessen,started Netscape, and released the Mosaic-influenced Netscape Navigator in 1994,

1995 : Microsoft Introduced the internet Explorer

1996 : Opera

2003 : Safari

2004 : FireFox

2008 : Google Chrome

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14y ago
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15y ago

The first graphical web browser was called "Mosaic". It was written by Marc Andreeson, to went on to make a billion dollars writing "the Godzilla of Mosaic programs", which he called Netscape. The little monster icon they used? That was named "Mozilla".

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12y ago

I could be wrong, but I believe they were called Archie and veronica. They were crawlers. They would take you to where you needed to go, but they had a database they would search through to get to the site requested. Hence, the name crawlers. They were extremely slow, but effective for the time. They were implemented in the early 70s.

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14y ago

That would be a GUI....Graphical User Interface. The first was used by Steve Jobs on the Mac about 1972 and borrowed by Bill Gates to use on his first Windows OS a few years later. A WYSIWYG. is "What You See Is What You Get" that is what evolved from a GUI.

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15y ago

The first graphical web browser was also the first web browser of any kind. It was known as "WorldWideWeb", and was written for NeXTSTEP.

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9y ago

The first graphical browser was called Erwise. It was created for Unix systems running the Windows X System and was released in April 1992.

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15y ago

Mosaic The web browser Mosaic was developed at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in the early 1990s.

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13y ago

In 1992 the first Web Browsers, Viola and Mosaic, were developed.

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11y ago


please check "related links" below for details.

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Q: The first graphical browser for the WWW was named?
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What was the very first graphical Web browser?

The first web browser ever written was called "WorldWideWeb", and it was created by a man named Tim Berners-Lee. While this was the very first web browser, it was not widely used, and was only available for the NeXT platform. The first widely-used web browser was Mosaic by Marc Andreessen and Eric Bina at the NCSA at the University of Illinois. The first version was written for X-Windows on Unix, and it was later ported to other operating systems.

Who wrote the first web browse www?

Netscape Wrote the first web browser and it was called Netscape Navigator

How do you access www in the computer?

WWW is the World Wide Web. You need an user-agent (a web browser) to access the WWW.

What is the difference between the internet the intranet and the www?

The Internet (with a capital I) is the largest WAN in existence today. An intranet is a private, internal only network for companies and is not accessible outside the company infrastructure network. The www is a protocol (HTTP) using a graphical interface (the browser) that may be used in the Internet, an intranet, or on any network.

I uninstalled Google Chrome but how do I get to a www site from an address in my email?

You can get another browser to work www. WWW can be said as world wide web on the internet.

Is the www is the web browser?

WWW stands for World Wide Web. It is used as a prefix behind every URL.

Why is the World Wide Web a milestone in computer history?

Previous to the WWW there was no consistent, universal, method of exchanging written or graphical information between computers. The HTML Hypertext Markup Language intergral to the WWW permitted the easy display and distribution of written and graphical information.

What is the difference between WWW and web browser?

World Wide Web is for porn and web browser is for gay porn

Which program acts as interface between internet and WWW?

web browser.

What is the Seven letter word program used to view and read information from www?


How did the WWW originate?

The world's first web browser, called WorldWideWeb, appeared in 1990. Developed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

What will usually be seen on a reputable website?

a digital signature and an http:// before the www. *check your browser now