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The importance of Prince Henry exploration was that it led to the expulsion of the Islamic North Africans from the Algarve.

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2d ago

Prince Henry's exploration, known as the Age of Discovery, played a crucial role in expanding Portuguese influence in Africa and establishing trade routes to Asia. His patronage of exploration led to advancements in navigation and mapmaking, paving the way for future explorers like Vasco da Gama and Christopher Columbus. Prince Henry's efforts also contributed to the spread of European culture, religion, and technology around the world.

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What person started the age of exploration?

Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal is often credited with initiating the Age of Exploration in the 15th century. He sponsored many expeditions, encouraged exploration of the coast of Africa, and supported the development of navigational technology.

What was Prince Henry nationality?

Prince Henry, also known as Henry the Navigator, was Portuguese. He played a key role in promoting and funding Portuguese exploration during the Age of Discovery in the 15th century.

What is cabrals importance of exploration?

Cabrals importance in exploration lies in being the first European to land in Brazil in 1500. This event ultimately led to the colonization of Brazil by the Portuguese, which had lasting impacts on the region's culture, society, and history. Additionally, Cabral's discovery opened up new trade routes and resources for Portugal, expanding their global reach.

What was Leif Erickson's importance of his exploration?

Leif Erikson was an Icelandic explorer known for leading the first European expedition to set foot in North America around 1000 AD, about 500 years before Columbus. His exploration is significant as it established early contact between Europeans and Indigenous peoples in the region, paving the way for future exploration and trade between the continents.

Who use his royal position to encourage explorers?

Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal used his royal position to encourage and support explorers during the Age of Exploration. He sponsored many voyages of discovery and established a school of navigation to train explorers, which played a crucial role in advancing European exploration of the seas.

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he invented the compass

What was prince henrys nickname?

The navigator

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portugal paid for his expedition