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He had the full support of the Labor Unions, he looked better on television. he had a seasoned politician named Johnson as his running mate, Jackie was the perfect First Lady and Nixon was already well known as Tricky Dicky, a person who could not be trusted. Also Kennedy fared better than Nixon in televised debates.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Fraud from the Chicago "river vote" gave Kennedy the State of Illinois and the electoral college victory.

"Kennedy won Illinois by less than 9,000 votes out of 4.75 million cast, or a margin of two-tenths of one percent. [16] However, Nixon carried 92 of the state's 101 counties, and Kennedy's victory in Illinois came from the city of Chicago, where Mayor Richard J. Daley held back much of Chicago's vote until the late morning hours of November 9. The efforts of Daley and the powerful Chicago Democratic organization gave Kennedy an extraordinary Cook County victory margin of 450,000 votes-more than 10% of Chicago's 1960 population of 3.55 million[21]-thus barely overcoming the heavy Republican vote in the rest of Illinois. Earl Mazo, a reporter for the pro-Nixon New York Herald Tribune, investigated the voting in Chicago and claimed to have discovered sufficient evidence of vote fraud to prove that the state was stolen for Kennedy.[16]"

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10y ago

The victory of the John F. Kennedy campaign in 1960 was of the narrowest of margins. It has been postulated that key to that victory was Kennedy's appearance on the televised debates. In essence, Kennedy looked better than Nixon. The eventual victory was a little more than 100,000 votes.

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14y ago

He had the full support of the Labor Unions, he looked better on television. he had a seasoned politician named Johnson as his running mate, Jackie was the perfect First Lady and Nixon was already well known as Tricky Dicky, a person who could not be trusted. Kennedy fared better than Nixon in televised debates.

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10y ago

During the campaign, the first televised debate occured in U.S. histroy. Those who watched it believed that Kennedy won based on appearance as Nixon seemed sweaty and nervous, thus seemingly lying when he spoke of the issues. Those who listened on the radio believed that Nixon won it based on the clarity of his voice and overall strength of his speaking skills compared to Kennedy. But this was the beginning of the media led elections and thus Kennedy as a younger and more attractive candidate, fostered more hope than Nixon. It also helped that Kennedy was a just an overall more likeable personality than Nixon.

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12y ago

Because it was a debate that was televised, Kennedy looked great, Nixon looked terrible, they say if you heard the debate on the radio, Nixon won, But Kennedy was a sharp looking man, Nixon kinda looked like an oaf..Thats it....

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10y ago

The key to Kennedy's defeat over Nixon in 1960's is considered to be Kennedy's performance on the debates that were televised. Kennedy was able to connect to most voters.

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12y ago

television + good looks + female voters

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