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Q: What was the name of the Aztec Emperor who met Cortez?
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What is the name of the Aztec Emperor who met Cortez?

The Aztec Emperor who met Cortez was named Moctezuma II.

When did the Aztec lose power and stop growing?

When they met the Spanish invaders.

When do the Aztec and the Spanish meet?

They met each other on March 15th, 1519,

When did the Aztec and Spanish Meet?

They first met on November 8, 1519, in what is now known as Mexico City.

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Why is the Temple Mayor of Tenochtitlan so important?

The people that Cortes met on his way did not want to live under Aztec rules.

How did Moctezuma and Cortes treat each other when they met?

Montezuma thought that cores was a god so the began to believe on him

What was Hernan Cortez looking for?

Hernan Cortez was intruding the Aztec empire, loyal to King Montezuma III, in order to bring gold back to Spain and become very rich. When Montezuma met him, he mistook him for their white-skinned, feathered-serpent god, Quetzalcoatl (ket-sal-ko-tull). Believing that was his identity, he offered as much gold as Cortez pleased. However, becoming greedy, Cortez' identity was discovered by Montezuma's nephew, Cuatemoc. There became a great battle, where Montezuma's side was slaughtered. Cortez drowned with the weight of his gold on an Aztec lake.

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Met Salih's birth name is Mehtap Salih.

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No, He met with Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor of Judea.