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Q: What was the only thing the colonists asked of the parliament that they refused to do?
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Why did the parliament repeal the townshend?

The townshend acts were repealed because the colonists didn't believe they should be taxed on every little thing.

Why did the Second Continental Congress declare independence from England?

The colonists wanted not to be ruled by a king and his Parliament who were across the ocean. They also thought they should be allowed to make their own laws because they never got to vote in Parliament and the British Parliament never asked if the law was ok. The colonists wanted not to be ruled by a king and his Parliament who were across the ocean. They also thought they should be allowed to make their own laws because they never got to vote in Parliament and the British Parliament never asked if the law was ok.

What was one thing that Napoleon refused to grant when asked for something?

Napoleon was often asked for many things by many people. One thing he would never grant is in this quote from him: " Ask me for anything, but time". It's a true quote.

Did Patrick Henry protest tax laws against Parliament?

a man that didn't want to pay lots of money for taxes.

Why charlea1 and parliament go to war in 1642?

The English Civil War began in 1642 CE. It was caused by the struggles between Charles I and Parliament. King Charles I often raised taxes without consulting Parliament and refused to call Parliament into session.

Was there any seats left on the bus Rosa Parks was on?

no that's why the white man couldn't sit and they asked her to move but she refused i would have done the same thing YOU GO ROSA!

In what ways did colonists protest the Stamp Act and other British taxes?

The colonists felt that the Stamp Act and other British taxes that were being imposed on them by the British Parliament were unfair without having representation. To protest these taxes the colonists refused to purchase the goods that were being sent in from Great Britain.

What caused the American colonists' break with Great Britain?

Attempts by the British Parliament, with the support of the King, to exercise legislative powers over the colonies, particularly the power to tax, which had not been effectively exercised previously in colonial history. The colonists were used to making their own laws, and setting their own taxes, through their own elected legislatures. Since they had no representation in Parliament, Parliament's claim to be able to legislate and tax then itself, and enforce those laws with officers answerable to it rather than the colonies, meant the colonists would have no effective means of exercising and protecting their rights. Parliament could undo any of their laws and and tax them into utter poverty on a whim. When Parliament would not acknowledge the justice of the colonists grievances, and it became apparent that the king completely supported the parliament, the colonists decided to declare independence. For a more detailed accounting of just what the colonists were concerned about, read the Declaration of Independence, not just the first few lines that everybody memorizes in school, but the whole thing. Jefferson gives a long list of charges against the king and Parliament showing why the king was a tyrant unfit to rule.

Is the Tea Act the same thing as the Boston Tea Party?

The Boston Tea Party was an act of self-determination by British colonists against a tyrannical monarchy 3,000 miles away. Present day "tea parties" are the acts of a handful of cranky Americans who don't like the way the last election went.

What country's parliament is called the Al thing?

The Alþingi, Anglicized as Althing or Althingi, is the national parliament literally, "(the) all- thing" of Iceland.

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He asked me out me out but it was a dare?

If he asked you out on a dare, that's a mean thing to do.