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Positive- The British brought rabbits to Australia, now the rabbits are everywhere, because in Australia the rabbits do not have a predator. Australia has a very British culture. Australia is still a British territory unlike U.S.A Neither- Austalians drive on the left side of the road same as us and they speak english. Negative- The British were against the tribes because of their way of life which is technically racist. philippa x

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There were some positive facts to being part of the British Empire. These include: Britain was at the head of the Industrial Revolution, therefore brought science and technology to different parts of the world. These include railways and steam trains. Goods that used to be carried by porters and pack animals, could now be transported quickly and fairly cheaply much further distances. This allowed the Canadian Prairies to produce grain, and factories in Bombay and Calcutta to be supplied with raw cotton. Colonized people also attended British schools and Churches, allowing them access to education and religion. English was widely spoken throughout the empire, which means that former British Colonies are in a good position to trade and prosper in the modern world. Negative aspects were that colored people's rights were often violated or taken away, and racism was a large problem to most colonies of the British empire. Also, the British brought alcohol and other addictive substances to the Aboriginals, causing some large problems in Australia as well. The British also took colored children away from their mothers, stating that they had the right to take children away at any stage in their life. One other negative aspect is the "White Man's Burden", or the "duty" that whites took upon themselves to teach Christianity to colonies deemed "uncivilized". As a result, the colonies original religion or beliefs were bypassed and ignored, such as the Eskimos and the Cree Indians, as well as Muslims in India.

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Q: What was the positive and negative impacts of the british empire?
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What was the positive and negative of the British empire?

Positive- The British brought rabbits to Australia, now the rabbits are everywhere, because in Australia the rabbits do not have a predator. Australia has a very British culture. Australia is still a British territory unlike U.S.A Neither- Austalians drive on the left side of the road same as us and they speak english. Negative- The British were against the tribes because of their way of life which is technically racist. philippa x

What negative impact did Australia have on the british empire?

I think you mean what negative impacts the British Empire had on Australia? But anyway I'll answer YOUR question. And that is, Australia didn't have any negative impact on the British Empire. It served as a perfect prison colony as a cheap way for the Empire to dump its prisoners. It produced vast amounts of wool for the Empire which is where the Australian saying comes from 'To break the sheeps back'. It experienced one of the largest gold rushes in history therefore bringing more wealth to the British. It never rebeled against the Empire so there was no expenditure on military. Australia also had a large part to play in colonial wars in that part of the world notably the NZ wars, the Sudanese war, and the Boer war. Although Australia became independent in 1901, today it is still part of the commonwealth and is now called the crown jewell.

Do Gibraltar count as a member of the British Empire?

Yes, very much so, though the British Empire does not exist any longer. Instead there is the Commonwealth, which is an organisation of former Empire nations who co-operate together to maintain the best aspects and principles of the former Empire without the more negative ones.

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What are the negative effects of the British Empire?

It is important to remember that the British Empire gained most of its territories in the 1800's, a time when racism was in almost every civilized nation and culture. It is also important to remember that as time went on, racism faded and life in the Empire got much better. It is also important to know that many good things came from the Empire, as well. Negative effects: Slavery (the natives had enslaved eachother before the British arrived, and slavery was abolished in the early 1800's.)

Bad points of the british empire?

The British tricked the South Africans into coming out of hiding by kidnapping their wives and kids and putting them in concentration camps. The empire let people urinate and do other stuff in its water supply Hope this was helpful.

Who is queen of the British Empire?

The British Empire does not exist anymore.

Where did the british empire control an entire continent?

north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.

What positive impact did India have on the british empire?

India taught the British Empire the lessons of Live and Let Live through her doctrines of Ahimsa (Non-violence), Peace, Universal Brotherhood and Greed Hath A Fall, in such a manner that the Empire is reduced to a mere country of England. One after one, all countries under British got freedom from its rule of loot and exploitation.