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Q: What was the result of the integration on the Montgomery's buses?
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What was the result of the integration of Montgomerys buses?

The nation's highest court ordered the bus company to integrate its buses. In doing so, it sent a powerful message: African American people could no longer be treated as second-class citizens.

What was the result of the integration of Montgomery buses?

African American integrate its buses.

What the result of the integration of Montgomery's buses?

The nation's highest court ordered the bus company to integrate its buses. In doing so, it sent a powerful message: African American people could no longer be treated as second-class citizens.

What was the result of the integration of Montgomery's buses?

The nation's highest court ordered the bus company to integrate its buses. In doing so, it sent a powerful message: African American people could no longer be treated as second-class citizens.

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Montgomeries Montgomerys

What case extended integration and the use of busses?

The case of Rosa Parks extended integration and the use of buses by both races. It led to many protests which would eventually allow for full integration among all races across the country.

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Thomas Bovey

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A commonly used suffix for integration is "-tion", which typically indicates a process, action, or result. Other possible suffixes for integration could include "-ing" or "-al" depending on the context or word being modified.

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Little pimples on your areola. Do not pick at them, they will just get worse.

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2 ?

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Dublin is the capital and largest city in Ireland, so there are always large amounts of tourists in the city. As a result there are a lot of tour buses.