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Q: What was the role of Lithuania in the collapse of the soviet union?
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What factor played a role in the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Very likely one of the major factors that played a role in the collapse of the Soviet Union was discontent. People in the Soviet Union saw that communism was not working and the entire system was unfair to the rank and file worker.

How does this excerpt illustrate his role in the collapse of communism?

Reagan placed a great deal of political pressure on the Soviet Union to make drastic changes.

What aspect of Ronald Reagan's role in the collapse of communism?

He spent tons of money on military hardware.

What role did nationalism play in the fall of the Soviet Union?


What key factor played a role in the collapse of soviet union?

One key factor that played a role in the collapse of the Soviet Union was an attempted overthrow of President Gorbachev in August 1991. This occurred only two months before the Soviet Union collapsed.

What role did Czechoslovakia play in the Soviet Union?

Czechoslovakia was not a part of the Soviet Union. It was amongst of the other countries that were part of the Warsaw Pact and it was a communist country.

How did Gorbachev's reform policies contribute to the collapse of the Soviet Union?

Perestroika led to food shortages and extreme inflation, causing public protests and a political uprising within the Soviet government. -Apex Learning.

What role did the Soviet Union US play in the Cold War?

The US and the USSR were the leaders of their respective sides during the cold war.

What role did the soviet union play in the US wanting to use the A bomb?

The USSR was a future adversary.

The role of central government in the former soviet union?

To answer the key economic questions of production and comsuption.

Why should everyone know about the Soviet Union?

Because they play an important role in World History

Who was Chruschtschow?

Nikita Khrushchev was a Soviet politician who served as the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1953 to 1964. He was known for his role in the de-Stalinization of the Soviet Union and for initiating various domestic and foreign policy reforms during his leadership.