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Tiffany, The term "Founding Fathers" generally refers to the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and a few other men who contributed to establishing this country. What they did was provide political leadership to the American people when British rule began to grow tyranical. They gave voice to the people's discontent and gave them the courage and organization necessary to stand up and fight for their liberties. When independence became necessary to that goal the founders enunciated a philosophy of government that placed individual freedom as the most important purpose of government. Then they showed by their example that they were committed to that ideal. After independence was won they, with the consent and instructions of the people, developed the Constitution of the United States. a framework for practical government with the consent of the governed that protected their rights. This was something that had never happened before. A government run by the people of a country with the purpose of protecting individual freedom was unheard of in history. The founderrs were simply giving form to the desires of the people at large, but nonetheless, it took genius and a strength of character almost unmatched in human history to do the deed. Michael Montagne P.S. If this isn't quite what you wanted to know, please feel free to ask more sprecific questions. I would have to disagree to the above notion that pretty much states that democracy was developed by the founding fathers. What they did was to copy (and amend in parts like slavery) the ideas first proposed almost 2500 years ago. A long time ago isn't? here is what the great Pericles said about the Athenian Democracy "Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves. Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their private differences; if to social standing, advancement in public life falls to reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way, if a man is able to serve the state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom which we enjoy in our government extends also to our ordinary life. There, far from exercising a jealous surveillance over each other, we do not feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor for doing what he likes, or even to indulge in those injurious looks which cannot fail to be offensive, although they inflict no positive penalty. But all this ease in our private relations does not make us lawless as citizens. . . . Our public men have, besides politics, their private affairs to attend to, and our ordinary citizens, though occupied with the pursuits of industry, are still fair judges of public matters; for, unlike any other nation, regarding him who takes no part in these duties not as unambitious but as useless, we Athenians are able to judge at all events if we cannot originate, and instead of looking on discussion as a stumbling-block in the way of action, we think it an indispensable preliminary to any wise action at all. . . . In short, I say that as a city we are the school of Hellas; while I doubt if the world can produce a man, who where he has only himself to depend upon, is equal to so many emergencies, and graced by so happy a versatility as the Athenian."

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