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Pennsylvania............the best state in the thirteen colonies. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



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Q: What was the second colony to become a state of the US?
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What number was New Hampshire colony?

It was the ninth colony to become a US State.

When did Maryland become a colony and state?

The Colony was established on 25 March 1634 and became a US State on 28 April 1788.

In what order did PA become a state?

It became the second US State.

Was Pennsylvania the 3rd to become a state?

No it was the second US State.

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The wife of the second president was born in Massachusetts while it was a British colony and so before it was a state in the US.

When did Virginia become a territory?

It did not have that status. It was a Colony of England and then a US State.

Pennsylvania was which state to become part of the US?

It was the second state to join the Union.

How did Rhode Island become 13th colony?

It was the 13th Colony to ratify the US Constitution.

Who founded the colony of Pennslyvania?

by William penn that's why it`s Pennsylvania

Is Nebraka a British colony?

No, Nebraska is a US State.

Is Puerto Rico a state or a colony?

It is a US Territory.

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