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The back up generator behind the White House.

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Q: What was the source of political power in the constitution after the anti federalist and federalist debate?
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How are federalist papers related to the constitution?

They were written to explain the Constitution to the representatives who would be voting on it. It is the best source in understanding what the Constitution means.

What was the group of 85 essays supporting ratification of the constitution?

The Federalist Papers SOURCE: wikipedia

How many federalist papers were there?

There were a total of 85 Federalist Papers published to encourage people to ratify the US Constitution. John Jay wrote five of them.

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How to handle the smuggling of illegal immigrants into America is a source of unending debate in the political world.

What were the series of pro-constitution essays written by James Madison but attributed to publius?

The series of pro-constitution essays written by James Madison but attributed to Publius are collectively known as the Federalist Papers. These essays, along with the contributions of Alexander Hamilton and John Jay, were published between 1787 and 1788 to promote the ratification of the United States Constitution. The Federalist Papers are considered a significant source for understanding the principles and intentions behind the Constitution.

What do the federalist papers mean in modern English?

Your question must be directed to the role and value of the Federalist Papers as a whole, I suspect, because otherwise the answer would require a minutely detailed dissection of those letter that constitute the Federalist. The Federalist Papers offer the arguments in support of the ratification of the Constitution of 1787, proposed by the Constitutional Convention that met in Philadelphia. Today, they are one key source of understanding of the milieu that gave rise to the 1787 Convention and the document produced by it, of understanding of the scope and meaning of the provisions of that document, and of understanding the arguments made against that document and rebutted in the Federalist Papers. Moreover, they are quite the persuasive source on meaning when they speak relevantly to an issue in dispute today. To win ratification of the United States Constitution in New York state, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison wrote a series of newspaper articles, under assumed names, in order to convince the public to support the new Constitution. The purpose of the articles was to explain and defend the writing of the Constitution. 85 articles were written between 1787-1788. The articles probably had little influence on New York approving the Constitution, but the essays have had a lasting value as authoritative explanations of the sections of the Constitution. The Federalist Papers, as they were called, have become the single most important piece of American political philosophy ever produced in America. Wikipedia has information about the Federalist Papers and many are explained in modern English. MrV

What was not a major source of ideas for the Constitution?

The Magna Carta and England's unwritten constitution is a major source. The works of John Locke and other Englightenment philosophers is another. The founder's experiences in the Revolution and with the Articles of Confederation were also important. In terms of specifics, the Federalist Papers that Adams, Madison, and Jay wrote were very important.

What is the popular sovereignty and how does the constitution support the idea of popular sovereignty?

popular sovereignty is the belief that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people, who are the source of every political power and the constitution does support it.

Which was not used as a source for the US constitution?

The internet was not used as a source for the US constitution.

What are three important sources of English traditions and customs that are apart of English constitution?

There is no definitive English Constitution, the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights and the Human Rights Act 1998 perhaps... But the "constitution" is unwritten (uncodified) and so is source of some debate ... English constitution is made up by precedent, statute and other numerous laws which jointly establish a constitution but its not all in one place

How is the Constitution based on the concept of popular sovereignty?

Popular sovereignty Constitution Popular sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (rule by the people), who are the source of all political power.

Are the vice presidential powers from the constitution or some other source?
