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Q: What was the systematic agriculture of the Neolithic revolution?
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Why systematic agriculture in neolithic called revolution?

The transition to systematic agriculture in the Neolithic period is called a revolution because it marked a significant shift in human society from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled communities based on farming. This shift led to the development of permanent settlements, surplus food production, and the growth of population centers, fundamentally transforming human culture and societal organization.

The real change in the Neolithic revolution was the?

invention of agriculture.

What revolution took place during the neolithic revolutions?

The farming revolution took place during the Neolithic Age.

In the Neolithic Revolution led to extra food in some cultures?


What would happen if the neolithic argricultural revolution never took place?

The neolithic revolution began when people discovered agriculture. Because of agriculture people could now farm instead of hunting and gathering.

How did agriculture start?

AnswerMost anthropologists believe agriculture began in the "fertile crescent" region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers around 6,000 to 8,000 years ago.

A sentence using the word Neolithic revolution?

The Neolithic Revolution allowed civilizations to increase their population because agriculture made settling in one area possible.

What does sedentary agriculture mean?

Sedentary agriculture refers to a farming practice where people settle in one place and cultivate crops on a permanent plot of land. This is in contrast to nomadic agriculture, where people move with their crops and livestock. Sedentary agriculture allows for more permanent settlements and the development of more complex societies.

The Neolithic revolution was characterized by what major innovation?

The Neolithic Revolution was the shift from a nomadic lifestyle to an agrarian lifestyle. Three major characteristics are the development of settled homes, farming and leisure time that led to education and artwork.

Which geographic factor likely contributed to the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution?

The geographic feature that most likely contributed to the beginning of the Neolithic Revolution were RIVERS. The rivers allowed them to develop permanent settlements and agriculture was born.

Where did pastoralism originate?

Pastoralism originated in Holocene. It started about 12,000 years ago and was the first agriculture revolution. It is also known as the Neolithic Revolution.

What is the definition of systematic agriculture?

definition for systematic agriculture?