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Tom hits myrtle across the face breaking her nose

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Q: What was the violent act that tom committed against Myrtle?
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What was the violent act tom committed against myrtle?

Tom hits myrtle across the face breaking her nose

What does the PROTECT act strengthen the ability to do?

It Prevents, Investigates, Prosecutes and punishes violent crimes committed against children.

What does the protect act strengthen the ability to do what?

It Prevents, Investigates, Prosecutes and punishes violent crimes committed against children.

Describe the violent act tom committed against myrtle?

He punches her for mentioning about Daisy, he warned her not to once but she wouldn't stop mentioning her so he punched her in the nose which caused it to break and bleed. This reveals his true persona and that he has anger problems.

What is vengence?

Revenge is an act of vengeance. A violent act against a wrong-doer.

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Yes. They are protected by the Migratory Bird Act.

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The U.S Supreme Court ruled against the violent crimes against women act in 1994. Their ruling was made based on the idea that parts of the law were unconstitutional.

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King was against ALL violence. He said that we must return hate with love and to act in a violent matter against violence was acting no different than the person committing the violent act. The person becomes the same as the other.

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The mobilization of non important policies against the stamp act was politically important because it caused a revolution among ordinary citizens. There so many violent demonstrations against this Act.

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Define "act of violence." It actually must be a violent ACT, not just some harsh words. Violence against ANYBODY is a crime. Report it to your local law enforcement authorities.

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The cyclops kills 6 of Odysseus' men, first dashing their heads against the ground before eating them.

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He was a pirate or committed an act of piracy, which is against the law.