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The Roman Catholic Church was the British church until Henry VIII repudated Papal authority and made the Church of England Britain's church so he could get rid of his first wife Catherine of Aragon and marry Anne Boleyn. (Who he later had beheaded)

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Q: What was there before the Church of England?
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I think you have answered your own question. Anglican Church in England is called the Church of England. The reigning monarch is the head of the Church of England

What is the name of the church of England?

I think you have answered your own question. Anglican Church in England is called the Church of England. The reigning monarch is the head of the Church of England

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The Church of England is a Protestant church.

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The church of England is the official established church in England and the mother church of the worldwide angelican communion.

What is the population of Church of England?

The population of Church of England is 25,000,000.

What was the church established by Henry VIII in England?

The Church of England

What church did Elizabeth find and head in England?

The Church of England.