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Horses, Asses or Oxen...humans

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Q: What was used before steam engines?
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Was the horse the main trasport before the steam engines?

yes they came before steam engines

What was coal used for before electricity?

Before electricity, Coal was used for heat. Coal heat was used to create steam for steam engines on railroads and ships in transportation.

What were the first steam engines used for?

The first steam engines used for pumping water out of mines.

Where are steam engines most widely used?

I believe steam engines are still widely used in China

Who used steam engines?

== ==

What were the steam engines first use?

The first steam engines used for pumping water out of mines.

Do they still make steam engines?

Yes, turbines used today are radial steam engines.

What was used before the internal combustion engine?

Steam engines however these were used in heavy cumbersome vehicles when they were used in transport. however factory's generally got their power from steam.

Are steam engines still being used?

Steam engines presently produce more power than all other types of engines combined. Most steam engines take the form of the steam turbine engine. The steam turbine is responsible for generating about 86% of the electric power used on this planet. Reciprocating steam engines are still in use for limited applications, but are generally considered obsolete. Steam engines, either the piston or turbine type were used on most big ships until recently, and there are still a few steam locomotives about.

Why a steam locomotive?

Steam was the first practical (useable, reliable) energy source to be used in self-propelled vehicles.................Steam engines were invented before internal combustion engines (gasoline, diesel, etc.). Steam can be made by burning wood or coal, easily available before the days of refining crude oil into gasoline, etc.

What did people use before the diesel engine?

Steam engines.

What was oil used for before cars?

Lubrication of steam engines and other mechanical devices, and certain oils were used to light homes and heat them.