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Do your own school work and stop searching it on the internet. There are school books and websites about them for a reason. Use the schools links and stop searching answers on here. Most of these answers aren't true anyway.

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Q: What was visually notable about upper class parisian women?
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Which class of women achieved the most notable gains during the Hellenistic?

The upper Class

What was visually notable about upper class women?

Do your own school work and stop searching it on the internet. There are school books and websites about them for a reason. Use the schools links and stop searching answers on here. Most of these answers aren't true anyway.

What does your cumulative frequency graph tell you?

Cumulative frequency graphs or ogives are used to visually represent how many values are below a certain upper class boundary.

What is James Beard most notable for?

James Andrew Beard was most notable as an American chef and food writer. James brought French cooking to the American middle and upper class in the 1950's.

What is higher then upper midle class?

Upper class.

What are some social classes?

low class, middle class, upper class/high class

Is a medical doctor upper class or middle class?

Upper middle class

What is the definition of upper class limits?

The upper class limits are the greatest value for each class. For instance if your class is 10-20, the upper class limit is 20.

What was the upper class in Greece called?

The upper class in Greece were considered the patrician.

Which had citizens as the upper class between Sparta and Athens?

Athens had citizens as the upper class Sparta's upper class was called equals not citizens.

What is the name of the United States upper class?

The upper class in the united states does not have a special name. Most people simply refer to the upper class as the 'upper class' or just 'rich people'. Some call it the capitalist class, but this is not common.

What does it mean by upper class of Egypt?

the upper class is close to the pharaoh and is rich