

What was ww1 about?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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14y ago

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World War 1 started because of three reasons. One was because there was a lot of tension that had been building due to trading, taking over Africa, and land slowly becoming completely taken. There was also a lot of military built up while snatching up Africa and now they had nothing to do so they became restless. The real spark was when the Black Hand (a terrorist group) killed Archduke Francis Ferdinand. Soon the war took off. The United States didn't join in until after Germany took out of ship. We were neutral until then. However because we were bringing supplies to Great Britain a enemy of Germany. They also used Trench Warfare. This was were both sides would dig deep trenches and the soldiers would live in those trenches with barb wire up on the top. The other side would charge and be slaughtered by the people in the trenches. About 25% would make it to the trenches and then start to shoot down into the trenches and eventually be beaten back. Also the soldiers would get stuck in the mud as they ran beck to their own trench. They would get sucked down under or get stuck. They would drown in the mud as the others ran back. However one couldn't go and get their fallen comrades or they would be shot too. The trenches would also get filled up with water and the men would have to sleep, eat, and fight while being soaking wet! This isn't a fun experience. One Christmas Day in France both sides came out of their trenches and exchanged cards, gifts, and stories. This angered the officers so they moved them to opposite ends of these trenches (since trenches stretched on for miles) so they could kill the other side because they couldn't kill someone they knew. This only happened the first year of the war. Let me know if you want to know more.

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14y ago

WW1 was about land nothing more. countries thought that other countries land was thiers so they went on to it and that started the war

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