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During the 16th century many people felt the church had too much power. The protestant reformation gave power back to the people and was much appreciated by the people.

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Q: What ways did the Protestant Reformation reflect the tastes and the needs of sixteenth-century society?
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How did reformation contribute?

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What monastic group was the leader in the Catholic Counter-Reformation?

The Jesuits, officially known as the Society of Jesus, played a significant role in the Catholic Counter-Reformation. Founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540, the Jesuits focused on spreading Catholicism, education, and countering the spread of Protestantism. Their emphasis on discipline, education, and missionary work made them influential figures in the Catholic Church's efforts to combat the Protestant Reformation.

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yes theatre and films merely reflect changes in society

What is the best definition of the word reformer?

A reformer is a person who works to improve or change an existing system or practice, often by advocating for new policies or ideas aimed at addressing shortcomings or inefficiencies. Reformer actions generally seek to bring about positive change or progress.

Was the Counter-reformation liked by the people?

If you mean by the people that lived in that era, I would think so, the number of artists, religious order, saints, and other growth in the Church and society was immense and an exuberant alternative to the dour protestant heresy.