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Adolph Hitler fought for the supremacy of his own ethnic group (which he described as the Aryan race) over all other ethnic groups. He had a particular hatred of Jews, whom he sought to destroy (and he did, as it turns out, manage to kill most of the Jews of Europe). He wanted to establish a new and very large German Empire called the Third Reich, based upon racism and violence, which he intended to last for a thousand years (and which he often referred to as the Thousand Year Reich) but which, as it turned out, only lasted for about 15 years, doing tremendous harm during that time period.

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He wanted Europe to be German territory. He wanted his Reich to last 1000 years. Return Germany to it's former glory and get back at the british and french for making them live so misserbly after WW1. Make Germans the master race.

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Q: What were Adolf Hitler's plans for Germany?
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What was Adolf Hitlers political title?

Chancellor of Germany

What is the best book about hitlers plans and what he did while in power?

The best book about Hitlers plans and what he did while in power was written by Adolf Hitler himself. The book is titled Mein Kampf.

What were hitlers goal in the holocaust?

Adolf's Hitler goal in the holocaust was to get rid of all the Jews from Germany.

What was adolf hitlers main concern of Germany?

He was determined to make Germany the most powerful country in the world, by taking over and ruling other countries, as an addition to Germany.

What was hitlers reall name?


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What was Adolf Hitlers political title?

Chancellor of Germany

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What was Adolf Hitlers main concern for Germany.?

Attaining racial purity

What is the best book about hitlers plans and what he did while in power?

The best book about Hitlers plans and what he did while in power was written by Adolf Hitler himself. The book is titled Mein Kampf.

What was adolf hitlers mission in life?

Make Germany an purer , free country.

What world war 2 figures signed the Munich agreement a diplomatic effort to stop Adolf Hitlers plans for empire building in exchange for Germany's annexation of part of Czechoslovakia?

Neville Chamberlain, Edouard Daladier, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini.

What were hitlers goal in the holocaust?

Adolf's Hitler goal in the holocaust was to get rid of all the Jews from Germany.

What was the response of the German military leaders to Adolf Hitlers final plans and orders?

Military leaders ignored Hitler.

What was Adolf Hitler's plans?

Hitlers plan was to get rid off all the Jews and the anti-nazi and to make Germany a non communist country because the Jews was communist and he hated the Jews and everything about them so that is why he wanted Germany to be anti communist.

What was the name of Hilter's autobiography?

Adolf Hitler's autobiography is titled "Mein Kampf," which translates to "My Struggle" in English. It outlines his political ideology and future plans for Germany.

What was adolf hitlers main concern of Germany?

He was determined to make Germany the most powerful country in the world, by taking over and ruling other countries, as an addition to Germany.

What is Adolf Hitlers country?
