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Cicero did not have any real ideas about improving the Roman Empire. In fact, he defended the institutions of the Roman Republic which had become dysfunctional because of imperial expansion and which collapsed into a failed state.

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Marcus Tullius Cicero was a statesman, orator, philosopher, constitutionalist, political theorist, moralist, and lawyer. He started his career as a lawyer later and wrote extensively on constitutional matters. He translated many works of Greek philosophers and created a Latin philosophic vocabulary, thus making Greek philosophy more widely available. He also wrote about political theory. He was one of the greatest prose writers and orators in Roman history. His great linguistic skills, prose, and writings on moral and civic issues, have made him one of the most influential writers in European history.

Politically, he was an Optimate. This was a conservative political faction which favoured the interests of the aristocracy and was opposed to the reforms pressed for by the populares. The populares were a political faction which championed the cause of the poor and wanted reforms to help them. With his oratory prowess, Cicero became the leader of the optimates after the assassination of Julius Caesar (who was a popularis). Cicero and Marc Antony, the leader of the Caesarians (supporters of Caesar) became the two leading men in Rome. Cicero was the spokesman of the senate, which stood up for the optimates. He tried to play between Octavian (also called Augustus) and Marc Antony off against each other and delivered a famous series of denunciations against Antony in which he also praised Octavian. He severely dented the reputation of Marc Antony. He urged the senate to call Marc Antony an enemy of the state. However, is plan to defeat Antony did not work. Marc Antony and Octavian reconciled and allied, forming the Second Triumvirate (a three-man alliance) with Lepidus. In 43 BC a law gave the Triumvirate a five-year term of supreme political authority, making it a three-man directorate.

The Triumvirate began persecuting its rivals. Cicero and his supporters were put on the list of enemies of the state. It was said that Octavian argued for two days against Cicero being added to the list, but a vengeful Marc Antony wanted him dead. Cicero became the most doggedly pursued man, but many people refused to report seeing him because he was very popular. He was caught at his villa while he was trying to embark on a ship to Greece. He was betrayed by a freedman of his brother. He exposed his neck and throat to the soldiers. He was slayed and his head and hands were cut off and were hanged for display at the forum in Rome. His last words were said to have been, "There is nothing proper about what you are doing, soldier, but do try to kill me properly."

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Cicero's ideas in ancient Rome were based on justice, law, and liberty.

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