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The freedoms the anti federalist were afraid the government would take away are listed in then Bill of Rights, largely in the 1st Amendment which says, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

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Q: What were some of the freedoms the anti federalist were afraid the government would take away?
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The anit-federalist were concerned that the federal government would use what?

the anti federalists were afraid that a federalist government would take the individual rights away from citizens and they thought that a central government was a step towards tyranny

Why did the anti federalist believe that the constitution was a threat to liberty?

anti federalist believed it was a threat because it infringed on there freedoms. this is the reason the federalist papers were written and the Bill of Rights was created, to ensure people that their freedoms would be upheld by the constitution. and not taken away by the constitution

Why did anti-federalists believe that the constitution was a threat to liberty?

anti federalist believed it was a threat because it infringed on there freedoms. this is the reason the federalist papers were written and the Bill of Rights was created, to ensure people that their freedoms would be upheld by the constitution. and not taken away by the constitution

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the anti-federalist were scared that all there individual freedoms would be gone.

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Why the federalist think the Individual States should have stronger governments than the central government?

Actually, the Anti-Federalists were afraid of a strong central government. They were afraid that their states rights would be over shadowed and they would be ruled over by a tyranny. They did not want a strong central government making their laws and infringing on their rights. The states believed that oy they could deteine what was best for themselves.

The Anti-Federalist would limit the Federal government strictly to?

The Anti-Federalist wanted to limit the Federal government strictly to what the powers the Constitution delegated to it.

Why do the anti-federalist want a weak federal government?

The main reason the anti-federalists were against a strong central government was because they were afraid that their natural rights would not be protected. America had just finished fighting a war with England over these rights, and there was nothing in the Constitution to guarantee that the government would not take them away, that is why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.

Two arguments in favor of creating a strong central government?

two arguments were that they fought wrong. pour governmental skills. and some believed that the central government would not work..!that's two augment that went on before making the central government..! This is something I learned in 7th grade Social Studies not to long ago....if they had a stronger government then it would be able to tax. People were afraid that if that happened it would be lk Great Britai all over again.

Define anti federalist?

An Anti-Federalist is someone who opposed the ratification of the United States Constitution during the late 1700s. They believed that the Constitution would create an even more powerful federal government that would threaten the rights and liberties of the people. Anti-Federalists wanted to keep the government decentralized and argued that a strong federal government would lead to tyranny and the loss of state-level autonomy. They also feared that the Constitution would lead to an imbalance of power between the states and the federal government. Their primary arguments against the Constitution were that it lacked a Bill of Rights to protect citizens from the government, and that it created a federal government with too much power. They argued that the government should be limited to specific and enumerated powers and that the states should retain their sovereignty. Anti-Federalists were also worried about the judicial branch, as they feared that it would be too powerful and could be used to oppress citizens.

Who believed the states would begin to take away from the national government?

the federalist