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They believed in the constitution and that it is based on "We The People" and not just individual rights to others.

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Brandy Ortiz

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2y ago
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Anti-federalists believed in the states having power with a weak government!

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14y ago

The anti federalists were strongly against the idea of a strong central government, fearing that the government would abuse their power and neglect the rights of the people. For them, a good government was one with a weak center and more power to the states. They also believed in an agrarian economy - one based on agriculture and farming. Additionally, they thought that there was no need to make a Constitution, and that the Articles of Confederation should be improved, not replaced.

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16y ago

The Anti federalists believed in individual state governments as opposed to a central federal gov. Thomas Jefferson is thought of as the champion of this party and defended their beliefs by referring to the 10th amendment of the newly formed constitution which reserved for the states power not deligated to congress.

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4mo ago

Anti-Federalists believed in strong state governments and were wary of centralized power in a national government. They were concerned that the Constitution did not provide enough safeguards for individual liberties, were against a strong executive branch, and feared the potential for a ruling elite to emerge.

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6y ago

they wanted a Bill of Rights to protect the people's rights
Anti-federalits opposed ratification

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14y ago

Considering they were against a strong central government and the Articles gave more power (actually almost all power) to the states, it can be concluded they were for the Articles.

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12y ago

blah blah blah

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Q: What are the beliefs of the anti federalists?
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Some conservative and religious groups in the Philippines oppose the Rizal Law, which mandates the teaching of José Rizal's life and works in schools. They argue that it promotes secular and anti-Catholic beliefs.

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Yes, William Livingston did own slaves. While he was known for his anti-slavery beliefs and advocacy in public life, he maintained slaves on his property in New Jersey as part of the prevailing society norms at the time.

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Some anti-slavery tactics included public awareness campaigns, lobbying governments for legislative change, supporting escaped slaves through the Underground Railroad, and organizing boycotts of goods produced by slave labor. Abolitionists also used moral arguments and religious beliefs to challenge the legitimacy of slavery.

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Difficulties in implementing anti-discriminatory practice may include overcoming deep-rooted prejudices, changing organizational culture, resistance from individuals who benefit from discriminatory practices, lack of awareness or training among staff, and navigating legal complexities around discrimination legislation. It may also be challenging to ensure consistent application of anti-discriminatory policies and practices across diverse settings and populations.

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You might attend an anti-slavery rally or protest advocating for the abolition of slavery.

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no they were leaders of the anti-federalists.

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