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The Scottish had their culture and land stolen from them as well as oil and sea territory

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Q: What were the disadvantages of uniting England and Scotland into Great Britain?
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Who create the Great Britain?

The island of Great Britain was formed by the acts of union - uniting England with Wales and Scotland.

What does the lion and the unicorn on Britain's coat of arms symbolize?

it symbolized the uniting of two country- England and Scothland.

Why doesn't Scotland have their own royal family?

When Elizabeth I died in 1603, King James VI of Scotland became James I of England as well as still remaining King of Scotland, thereby uniting the two kingdoms.

How do you define union?

Union is the act of uniting two or more things. It is also a group of states or nations united into one political body, as that of the American colonies at the time of the Revolution, that of England and Scotland in 1707, or that of Great Britain and the Ireland in 1801.

Where did the term United Kingdom come from?

It was used to refer to the Acts of Union - uniting England and Wales (1535 1542) and also for union of England & Scotland (1707) See related links.

Is the United Kingdom part of England?

Any sovereign state having a (normally heriditary) king or queen as its head is a kingdom. The state known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is one such. Its current head of state is Queen Elizabeth II.

Was King James a roman?

No. King James VI was a Scottish king who also inherited the English throne, becoming King James I of England as well as King James VI of Scotland. He was also the king responsible for uniting both Scotland and England under one monarchy, founding the "Kingdom of Great Britain". Nowadays known as Great Britain or United Kingdom. The Romans left the British Isles in 410 AD. James was born in 1566. That was 1,146 years after the Romans left. So, no, he clearly wasn't Roman.

What is the English emblem?

The "emblem" of England is the Rose and the Thistle. Theories abound as to the origin of this ubiquitous symbol of English glory. Most commonly attributed to the Crusades and the War of the Roses. More romantic historians have mythologized it a symbol of King Arthur and the mystical "Camelot". The Rose certainly, but the thistle is Scottish. The flag of England is the cross of St George, a red cross on a white ground. Indeed, however the Act of Settlement of 1701 established Scotland, Ireland and England as the United Kingdom. Therefore the Rose and Thistle became a symbol of national unity as well. It should also be pointed out the flags of Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England are flown under the Union Jack. Of course the Union Jack is the most recognizable symbol of England to the generations that followed the Act of Settlement.Of course the Union Jack always enjoys precedence above any other flag of the UK and most commonwealth countries. _______ The rose is widely regarded (at least in England itself) as the emblem of England, the thistle is a key emblem of Scotland. (By the way, the Act of Settlement 1701 regulated the succession to the throne of England. The acts uniting England and Scotland were the Acts of Union 1707 and the act uniting Great Britain and Ireland was the Act of Union 1800. - See links).

When did scottland join the british empire?

Scotland joined the empire in 1707 when Queen Anne signed the Union Act officially uniting the English and Scottish crowns to form Great Britain. In 1603, upon the death of Elizabeth I, the last Tudor Monarch, the crown passed to the Stuart monarchs of Scotland and James VI of Scotland became James I of England. Although King James was king of both nations, they were not united under him, they were separate countries ruled by the same monarch. It was not until 1707 that both nations were officially recognized as one.

When did England and Great Britain become one?

Great Britain has never become a nation.It is merely an artificial constitutional construction put in place to try to fuse the nations of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland into one martial entity for the purposes of furthering the aims of the empire. States are not nations, as they have no national or ethnic basis. Many people of England are very angry by the insistence of the Mr. Brown's government at Westminster who are trying to force an outmoded 'Britishness' on English schoolchildren, who cannot understand why they are not allowed to be simply English. This overbearing attitude has typified the bullying attitude of "Great Britain" since it's formation in 1707. England itself became the first nation state in Europe in 937AD.therefore it rejects the identity "British" as do the Scots, Welsh and Irish.

Which period of artistic history is defined as the age of theater?

The Elizabethan era, 1558 - 1603 is most famous for theatre; the performance of William Shakespear's plays and many others broke the past style of theatre in England. This era was the end of England being a separate realm before uniting with Scotland.

How did Britain get its name?

The earliest known names for the islands that make up present day Britain come from Greek and Roman writings. These classical writers referred to the inhabitants as the Priteni or Pretani, which is most likely from a Celtic language term that means "the people of the forms" and Pretannia as a place name was Diodorus's (a famous Greek historian who wrote extensively in the 1st century BC)rendering in Greek of this self description by the native people. "The people of the forms" is believed to be a reference to the practice by the inhabitants of painting or tattooing their skin. From this name a collective term for the islands was derived, appearing as Pretanic Islands and Brittanic Isles. Variations of all these terms are still used. Caesar introduced the term Britannia following his invasion of the Isles in 55 BC.Britain comes from Sanskrit word "Brihatstan" meaning great place. That is why Great was added in front of Britain to accentuate the original meaning!the name Britain comes from the Latin name Brittania,