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Q: What were the elements of democracy during the Mayflower Compact?
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Who was king during the Mayflower Compact?

There was no king during the Mayflower Compact. The Mayflower Compact was signed in 1620 by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship who were establishing a self-governing colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts. England was ruled by King James I at the time, but he had no direct involvement in the signing of the Mayflower Compact.

Who was the king of England during the Mayflower Compact?

Lord King James

What did the pilgrams do during there journey?

During the voyage to America they subscribed to a covenant for self-government called Mayflower Compact (after the name of the ship).

What document governed the colonies during the first ten years of the nation?

The he Mayflower Compact is the document that governed the colonies during the first ten years of the nation. It was a covenant between the settlers arriving in New Plymouth.

What was the contribution of the Mayflower Compact to the American revolution?

the mayflower was a contibutuion to the american revolition because of the fact that during the time that it happend the mayflower was letting the people have more say so in what they wanted and how they wanted it to happend. the people also got a chace to to be able to be open minded about the things that go on around them. so basicly the contribution of the mayflower was that it gave more freedom and a freedom of speach.

Who wrote the Mayflower Compact and why was it written?

The mayflower compact was written by the pilgrims upon arrival in America. The king of England set down laws for them to follow when they arrived in the spot they were to arrive at. However, they were blown off course during the trip and landed outside his designated area. Figuring they didn't have to obey the king in this new area (soon to become Jamestown, Virginia), the pilgrims decided to create their own laws, the Mayflower Compact. In fact, it is the first known document that shows a group of people creating their own laws. Hope this helped! It should all be right!

Who is in Thomas Rogers' family tree?

Thomas Rogers was one of the passengers on the Mayflower and signed the Mayflower Compact. He died during the first winter at Plymouth Colony. Several of his children eventually came to New England. For information on his descendants, see the Thomas Rogers Society web site

Where was the Mayflower located during the 1620?

The Mayflower spent 1620 at its mooring in Plimouth, England, on the Atlantic and in harbor in what is now Massachusetts.

Who invented the compact disc player?

the person who invented the compact disk system was James russelJames Russell invented the compact disk in 1965. James Russell was granted a total of 22 patents for various elements of his compact disk system. However, the compact disk did not become popular until it was mass manufactured by Philips in 1980.

What is the name of the child who was born during the Atlantic Passage of the Mayflower?


What kind of democracy was it like in the 60s?

representative democracy because of there were presidents during that time

Who was the pilgrim governor of the colony and the mayflower?

The famous governor of Plymouth Colony was William Bradford, who later wrote the history of their journey. He was not, however, the first governor of Plymouth, nor the "governor of the Mayflower." John Carver was voted, or confirmed, governor of Plymouth Colony after the signing of the Mayflower Compact. He died during the first year and Bradford was elected. There was also Christopher Martin who was "governor" of the Mayflower, something that had been decided before departure. This only meant he had been put in charge of getting provisions and organizing, though he was heavily criticized for his lack of skills by Bradford and others.