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The empire he took over from the Persians stretched from Libya to Central Asia. He tried to introduce Greek culture (Hellenism) but this touched only the upper classes and the masses continued on with their traditional cultures.

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Q: What were the empire of Alexander the Great and Hellenism?
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What were the impacts of Alexander's conquests?

With the expansion of Alexander the Great's empire, the Hellenism, or Greek-influenced, culture spread from Mediterranean to Asia.

What was the cause of hellenism spread?

Alexander the Great

What caused the spread of Hellenism?

Alexander the great

Who helped expand hellenism to the east?

Alexander the Great helped expand Hellenism to the East.

How did Aristotle's pupil Alexander spread Hellenism?

Alexander the Great conquered many areas and he spread Hellenism when he took over their governments.

Which term is most closely associated with hellenism under Alexander the great?

Cultural Diffusion is often associated with Hellenism.

What were the cultural consequences of Alexander the great empire?

He attempted to introduce Greek culture across the empire which he took from the Persians. He had not made much progress at the time of his early death, an although his successors kept up a pretence, it was superficial, confined to the upper classes, the Greek carpet-baggers who poured in, and the Macedonian rulers of the successor kingdoms.

What civilization is a blend of Greek and Eastern influences?

Hellenistic civilization is a blend of Greek and Easter influences. Hellenism began in 323 BCE and was catalyzed by Alexander the Great and the creation of his expansive empire.

Who is considered responsible for the Hellenistic era?

Alexander the Great's generals, after his early death at age 33, divided up his empire, establishing their own kingdoms and spreading Greek culture within them. We today call these the Hellenistic Kingdoms (Hellenistic = like Hellenism)

The 5 W's of Alexander the great?

Alexander the Great was the son of the king of the Greek kingdom of Macedonia. He was highly educated by Aristotle. He lived around the years of 350 BC and led the spread of Hellenism. These are the 5W's of the who, what, where, when and why of Alexander the Great.

What did Alexander the Great do to extend his empire?

Alexander the Great extended his empire by conquering the Persian Empire and turning it into an empire of his own.

Where did Hellenism come from?

from the hellenistic time of alexander