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The federalists wanted a constitution to gain more national government power.

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Q: What were the federalist political views in regards of writing the constitution?
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What event coincided with the emergence of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist political parties in the US?

The writing and adoption of the Constitution coincided with the emergence of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist political parties.

What event coincide with the emergence of the federalists and the anti federalists political party?

The writing and adoption of the Constitution coincided with the emergence of the Federalist and Anti-Federalist political parties.

Why did political parties first form in America?

There were differing views between the founding fathers on the strength of the national government when writing the Constitution. The first political parties in the US were the Federalist and the Democratic-Republicans(jeffersonians). The federalist favored a strong centralized government, much like that of in England. While the Federalist favored states-rights and disliked the government of England.

What was the primary motive for writing the Constitution according to John P Roche?

He believes that the primary motivation for writing the constitution was political.

Who supported the Federalist Papers?

Alexander Hamilton organized writing the Federalist Papers, a series of 85 essays he, James Madison and John Jay penned in support of ratifying the US Constitution.

The author of the federalist papers wrote them for the purpose of?

writing to try to get the Constitution ratified as it was written, with a strong central government.

What was the purpose of James Madison Alexander Hamilton and John jay in writing the federalist?

They wanted to increase support for ratification of the Constitution.

How did the Federalist Papers 2 and 3 directly affect the drafting of the Constitution?

The Federalist Papers played an essential role in the ratification of the constitution because they promoted its ratification to states like the New York Legislature that did not want to ratify it. It worked.

What is the Christian constitution Is the bible such a constitutional writing?

Unless individual sects of Christianity have a constitution, I don't know of any Christian constitution. My understanding of a constitution is that it is a blueprint for a political system. The Bible is not a constitutional writing, in my understanding.

Why did many new England federalists want to try to renew friendly relations with Britain instead of going to war?

There were no Federalist in1776. The Federalist philosophy developed when they were writing the constitution in 1787. This was after the revolution.

What was the purpose of Alexander Hamilton James Madison and john jay in writing the federalist paper?

They wanted to increase support for ratification of the Constitution.

What was the purpose of James Madison Alexander Hamilton and John Jay in writing the Federalist papers?

They wanted to increase support for ratification of the Constitution.