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Slavery died out in the North because it did not fit the factory system.

Industrial bosses preferred skilled, mobile labour.

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Q: What were the historical circumstances that led to the freedom of slaves of the union control?
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Why were the slaves in the American revolution?

The British offered them freedom if they served with them. An interesting historical fact is that many slaves found freedom on ships.

How did slaves gain their freedom from their owners?

they gain their freedom by Education. Owners did not want slaves to be educated because education make them slaves, understand newspapers, and be smart. after slaves leaned anyway how to read and write, they began to understand the issues involved with slavery and begain to form movements to force the government enact laws. slaves fought for their freedom through movements, movements, movements.

Historical significance of the civil war?

The North won the war which was the union soldiers. The north was fighting to abolish slavery. Because they defeated the south they changed our nation to a non slave environment which effects today's life as well.

How were the slaves freedom denied?

The slaves' freedom was denied by the concept that slaves were property, not human beings, and all human beings are free, but not property, so slaves were denied freedom due to the concept that slaves were property, not people.

Why slaves do not want to be slaves?

They wanted to have freedom.

What was slaves perspective of freedom?

Freedom for slaves meant that the slaves didn't have to be owned and that they could be treated like everybody else.

How did former slaves envision freedom?

former slaves envision freedom from few former slaves were able to own land

How could slaves gain their freedom in Muslim society?

In Muslim society, slaves could gain their freedom by buying their freedom. Additionally, female slaves could gain freedom by marrying a Muslim owner.

How could slaves gain freedom in Muslim society?

In Muslim society, slaves could gain their freedom by buying their freedom. Additionally, female slaves could gain freedom by marrying a Muslim owner.

What granted freedom to all the slaves in the southern states?

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclaimation in 1863. This proclaimation granted freedom to slaves in all Confederate states. It did not, however free slaves in southern states under Union control. Slavery was completely abolished with the 13th Constitutional Amendment.

Did slaves need help to find freedom or could thay do it them selfs?

slaves found freedom in ?

When did slaves follow underground railroad to freedom?

What year did the slaves follow the underground railroad to freedom