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There were several. The best known was the genocide of the Armenians by the Ottoman Turks in 1915-17.

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Q: What were the other holocausts before the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews?
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Why couldn't Jews go out in public areas in the holocausts?

During the Holocaust Jews were interned.

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Where have Holocausts happened?

There has only been one Holocaust, and it was in Germany when the Nazis persecuted Jews for simply being Jewish. 6 MILLION PEOPLE DIED. Many other genocides like to call themselves Holocausts because of the attention that it would bring them. Additionally, smaller massacres have also used the term "Holocaust" for hyperbole, but there has been only one true Holocaust in history: the one that occurred to 11 million people (of whom 6 million were Jewish) in Nazi Germany and the Occupied Countries from 1939-1945.

Did Jews go to school before the holocaust?


Is it possible that there will be another holocaust with all the new technology you have today?

no because nobody will let it happen. especially Jews. but no one will let anyone take control and influence people like hitler did. Holocausts have happened in Kosovo and Rwanda fairly recently. They were not Shoahs because they did not involve Jewish people, but they were Holocausts nonetheless.

How were rich Jews treated in the Holocaust?

They were treated in the same way as other Jews: one couldn't buy oneself out of the Holocaust.

What was life like for Jews in Paris before the Holocaust?


How does prejudice relate to the Holocaust?

Prejudice affected Jews during the Holocaust because even before the Holocaust it was all around the and during the Holocaust because the Nazi's and the SS enforced it heavily. Non-Jews were affected by it because it made them look at it with a whole new perspective.

How did Anne live before the Holocaust?

What a stupid question!!! She lived like any normal girl, Jews were not of threat before the Holocaust

What country was willing to take the Jews and give them land during the holocaust?

Bolivia, but it was just before the Holocaust.

Were many Jews murdered during the Holocaust?

Yes, atleast 7 Million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Similarly differences between ghettos Holocaust?

there is nonegettos were in the holocaust to hold Jews before they go to concentration camps