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Q: What were the political conflicts in the US between 1820 and 1860 besides slavery?
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Related questions

What caused conflicts between the northern states and southern states?

slavery and the laws.

What cause conflicts between the Northern states and the Southern states?

slavery and the laws.

What were the conflicts between the north and south other than slavery?

i don't know! :D sorry ...

What led newspaper to speak of Bleeding Kansas in 1856?

fighting between pro-slavery and antislavery forces

What major political issue dominated the country between 1850 1860?


What do the conflicts between Douglass and Covey reveal about how slavery can be dehumanizing for both slaves and masters?

The conflicts between Douglass and Covey demonstrate how slavery dehumanizes both slaves and masters by perpetuating a system of violence, control, and degradation. Slavery strips away the humanity of slaves by treating them as property, while also dehumanizing masters by encouraging them to exert power and cruelty over others. This dynamic reinforces the inhumanity inherent in the institution of slavery.

Effects of bleeding kansas?

From 1854-1861, a variety of conflicts, referred to as 'Bleeding Kansas,' occurred in the territory (and soon-to-be state) of Kansas between pro-slavery and anti-slavery Americans. These conflicts had the general effect of adding to national tensions between the South and the North and may be said to have contributed to the outbreak of the American Civil War.

What were the differences between the north and the south besides slavery?

North had more factories, the South had more Cotton Plantations.

How do you get rid from political slavery?

Political slavery doesn't exist. Economic slavery does. One reason political slavery doesn't exist is the people in the government can change the government. Slaves are property and are owned by someone.

Significance of the era of good feelings?

The Era of Good Feeling obscured bitter conflicts over internal improvement's, slavery and the national bank issue.

What were the political differences between the Union and Confederacy?

The main political difference between the Union and Confederacy was over the issue of states' rights versus federal authority. The Confederacy believed in the sovereignty of individual states and their right to secede from the Union, while the Union believed in a strong federal government and the preservation of the Union. This fundamental difference ultimately led to the Civil War.

Was the civil war about the extension of slavery or slavery as a whole?

The war was about state's rights and political conflict between the populous industrialized north and the rural agrarian south. Slavery was way down the list of causes for the war.