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Martin Luther was determined to change the Roman Catholic Church because his beliefs conflicted with the Church's practices. He argued that salvation of the soul will result from true faith in God, not just good deeds. Luther also strongly disliked the act of granting and selling indulgences because he felt that forgiveness came truly from that person and God. He was known for writing the "95 Theses" and posting it on the door of a church at Wittenberg on October 31, 1517. This document was a list of ways explaining how he viewed the Catholic Church as corrupt and abusing their power and position. This happened around the time of the beginning of the printing press, and that may have contributed to the fact that this was spread throughout Germany first and quickly reached Rome. The "95 Theses" was believed to be the foundation of the Protestant Reformation; however, this transformed from a religious issue to a political matter and he was charged as a heretic because his writings conflicted with the teachings of the Catholic Church at the time, and resulted in Pope Leo X excommunicating him.

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The biggest problem in the Catholic Church that led to the protestant revolt was a lack of humility. A severe lack of humility on the part of some popes and bishops along with a severe lack of humility on the part of some priests and friars. An unwillingness on the part of the latter - priests like Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, and John Knox to listen to the superiors and to discuss things with them led them to put their own opinion above the teaching of Christ's Church and led to the scandalous revolt of some many souls from the Church.

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