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the three major allies for Germany was japan, Italy and soviet union.... but Soviet Union went to the allied powers after hitler betrayed stalin (soviet union)

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Q: What were the three major allies of Germany during World War 2?
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Who were the major allies of Italy in World War 1?

If you are asking if Italy was part of the Allies in World War Two, the answer is no. However, if you want to find the allies of Italy, the main one was Germany.

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The Allies vs the Central Powers (Germany, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire).

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After the Unification of Germany in 1871, Austria was not unified as part of it, which caused major revolts in many Austrian cities. As well, Prussian pressure on Austria as well as military impotency of the Austrian government forced them into becoming puppets of Germany. During World War 1 they were a liability.

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Italy, Germany, and Japan were the Axis, enemies, of the Allies in WW2. The Allies were U.S., Russia, France, Great Britain, and China, a.k.a. the Big Five of the United Nations.

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The Battle of Stalingrad was an major moral boost for the Allies during World War 2 because, this was an major loose for Germany. During the Battle of Stalingrad, the German 6th Army was killed and captured. Also, most of the armed forces e.g. Tanks were totally destroyed. All of this shattered Germany's morale and was Germany's first major lost whiles using the Blitzkrieg military tactical maneuver.

What were the major powers involved in world war 2?

Axis = Germany, Italy, japan Allies = US, russia, France, great Britain

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Germany and japan

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The major allies of America during world war 2 were Britain and Russia. Of course there were many others, but these were two of the major ones.

What major countries of triple alliance did the allies consist of?

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